Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How is your past affects the present (objects in mirror are closer than they appear)

As an expert in personal growth, I often met people who believe that the events and issues of their past over and done, and there is little value can visit again. Unfortunately, these people are usually those who are in emotional pain, and wonder why all their efforts to change their lives fiasco. Here's the problem: just because you have something filling, does not mean that you're free of it!

On the contrary, if we consider the emotional and psychological debrisour past hurts and experiences less-than-successful and try to sweep under the proverbial rug, whatever you end up with a lumpy carpet! No wonder we are to travel by road to success!

Pressure Cooker

I love what my colleague, Brigitta D'Amato says this: You can bury the past, but it's buried alive. Take an honest look at your life, your habitual thoughts and your emotional health - you heard the sound of your past, scratches on the lid tightly closed internalPressure cooker? If irritation of constant scratching frequently broken in frustration, sleepless nights, uncontrollable anger, depression, stress and anxiety?

Just like the main character in the story by Edgar Allan Poe "The Tell-Tale Heart", our hearts and spirits are often followed by guilt, shame, pain and regret. I filled our feelings and emotional development neglected in print - the answer keys that can be easily moved by people and events around us, so webehavior "irrational" (or, more precisely, of evil from this pool of buried and do not behave this time.)

Here are seven benefits processing and release of all the emotional charge of past experience:

Your mental energy and concentration to focus on ongoing efforts and goals, free. You can easily into your skin, the acceptance of who you really are. You can use your life, breaking the responsibility for your actions in the past andfree from guilt through the repair, if necessary. You can objectively assess your current thought patterns, habits and behavioral strategies to identify what does not work (and change!) You can "life happened to me" mentality of a passive motion in living in a stronger position, "I create my life." The part of you, can always on alert for similar injuries and trauma to relax and reduce the emotional barriers erected in the past that probably gave the people to armsLength and sabotage your relationships. You can give permission to take risks to try new things and stretch beyond your comfort zone.

After releasing your past traumas and injuries, you can also publish any limiting beliefs that have been on this experience and have been holding you back. Can you really live in the moment, fully express themselves, and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Remember, you must not put on your past dueYourself! Find a good therapist, support group or other resources that will help you enter may reveal spots, remove the lumps out of the carpet and vacuum, the pressure cooker in a safe and energetic.

How is your past affects the present (objects in mirror are closer than they appear)

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